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AJ revamps her background in her twitter account!

AJ didn't tweet a lot this week. Her last tweet was a toot 3 September. Now she revamps her background  based off her One Diva Evolution shoot. We wanted to add the background is little more wild and maybe AJ will change a little! She will be more dynamic! Don't forget that she is a natural dynamite!  

Thanks for your support!


In the past hours we discover that our website had some connection issues! We wanted to know why this and we found out that one other fansite of AJLee tried to take our website down! We are so sorry for them and we can accept this  inexcusable and unreasonable behavior! We are all fans of AJ! Why this attack to us? Thanks to you, yes you who reads now this, we are back and we will be better! Haters gonna hate! Summing up, WE WILL ALWAYS SUPPORTING AJ!

For haters!


I added this video for a reason! Everyone remembers when The Big Show crash in AJ. Michael Cole interviewed AJ and when she thanked the people who supported her thought this, he interrupted her saying that nobody knows her and nobody supporting her! Just look at her now! AJ Lee did a great promo...maybe one of best promo that she has done! 

Raw results!

AJ is backstage with CM Punk. He rants to AJ and then asks her if she’s punishing him because he turned her down a little while ago. AJ, obviously still a little shaken from last week, tells him that things could be worse for him. He could be facing Sheamus, who he was supposed to face last week before he walked out. But no, tonight… the people, the same people he walked out on last week, will get to choose his opponent. AJ wishes him good luck and walks away.

During a commercial break, AJ comes out and makes a match. Dolph Ziggler & CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and Jerry Lawler.

Backstage, Kane and Daniel Bryan meet in a room, both being told they had something to say to each other. They get into a little argument and Dr. Shelby butts in. Daniel asks what he is doing here and AJ tells them that she invited him. She says that they were so close to a break through last week, but it folded. So Dr. Shelby has an idea. It could either help them… or send them into a deep abyss that they will never recover from. We cut to a commercial break as both men stare each other down.

AJ is backstage in her office when the Prime Time Players interrupt her. They ask her what she wanted, before listing some reasons why she wanted them. They say she probably just wanted to see them before they become the Tag Team champions. AJ tells them that she wanted to see them because they actually are not the #1 contenders… yet. They tell her that they are, because they beat every team on SmackDown! last week. She says that while they think they have, they haven’t actually beaten every team. She lets them know that tonight, they will have that change though, as they face Daniel Bryan and Kane. She does their little “Millions of Dollars” dance as they leave, saying she has really flipped her lid.

After Sheamus defeated David Otunga, he hit him with a Brogue Kick, which is still banned. AJ came out to punish him, but SmackDown! GM, Booker T did it instead.


RAW Preview- A Broken GM?


Have you ever had a teacher in school that you

were able to push to their absolute mental

limit? I did- she retired as a result of my old

Geography class talking so much, she had a

heart attack in front of us. While what we’ve

seen recently hasn’t led to something as grim

as that (nor would we wish for AJ to have a

heart attack as a result of being the RAW GM),

we’ve seen AJ well and truly snap.

Her employees are undermining her as an

authority figure, with many walking out on the show, and adversaries rising with all their tools to remove AJ from power. AJ’s attack on Vickie Guerrero led to the Board of Directors placing an “anti violence” rule on AJ- she is not allowed to touch her employees in a physical way, and we saw last week that she did not like this one bit. She had a nervous breakdown in the middle of the ring, and has been ominously quiet on her Twitter.

That was until earlier today when she started to cryptically tweet, but left little time for her 440k+ followers to comprehend what she said, as she deleted her tweets soon after. One person that has publicly undermined AJ is CM Punk, and it seems as if he is the subject of AJ’s blink-and-you’ll-miss-them tweets. Below is a compilation of what she illustrated:


CM Punk & AJ Lee Backstage Segment - WWE Raw


Did Booker T upstage Raw GM AJ Lee? AJ responds on Twitter


Following the actions on Monday’s Raw surrounding World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus’ use of the banned Brogue Kick, Raw General Manger AJ Lee took to Twitter on Tuesday with some harsh criticism for SmackDown General Manager Booker T.

Although Sheamus is banned from using the Brogue Kick — as per Booker T — that didn’t stop The Great White from blasting an already-defeated David Otunga with the brutal maneuver for good measure on Monday’s Raw. 

The act didn’t go unnoticed by the Raw GM, who promptly emerged to address the champion’s authority-defying act. But before she could finish what she wanted to say, she was interrupted by Booker, who declared there would be very strict consequences.

If Sheamus uses the Brogue Kick before Booker completes his internal investigation of the maneuver, he will be stripped of his World Title. (WATCH)

Clearly unhappy with how things went down on her show, AJ posted her response on Twitter:

Will @BookerT5x respond? Could @WWEAJLee look to make a statement of her own on this week’s SmackDown? Will @WWESheamus weigh-in before he defends his title this Sunday at Night of Champions? See full story below in video:

How do GMs Booker T and AJ Lee view their roles?


As SmackDown General Manager Booker T and Raw General Manager AJ Lee settle into their relatively new roles, the WWE Universe is starting to learn more about their different leadership styles.

This week, there was a bit of controversy when Booker came to Raw to lay down the law regarding World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus’ use of the Brogue Kick. The move did not sit well with AJ, who responded on Twitter. 

Exactly how do they review their roles? asked the GMs to rank their various duties by percentage. Take a look at how their answers map out in the graphs below:

You are visitor

There was once a time when the WWE's Diva's

Division was booming and a huge part of the

company's programming, but those days are

obviously long gone. As WWE's female wrestlers

get less and less time in the ring, it becomes more

and more apparent that A.J. Lee is the one who will

carry the torch for the divas moving forward.

Long gone are the days of Lita and Trish Stratus main

eventing RAW as it's currently rare to even see a divas

match that lasts longer than two minutes on WWE programming. That isn't necessarily an indictment of the current crop of divas as the likes of Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Eve and Layla all have their merits, but it seems like a philosophical change more than anything.

There are constant rumors that Triple H wants to revitalize the tag-team division and scale back divas wrestling, and while there is no surefire way of telling if that is true, it seems like the WWE is going in that precise direction. Storylines are practically nonexistent when it comes to the divas, with the exception of A.J.

A.J. has gained a considerable amount of fans over the past

several months as she was initially Daniel Bryan's girlfriend

and has since become the general manager of RAW. She

competes in the ring quite infrequently now, but she is still

a huge part of the product and is the only diva who receives

a significant amount of television time.

Moving forward, I believe that a woman will either have to be

in a position of power or have a managerial role, a la Vickie

Guerrero, in order to remain relevant in the WWE. I'm not

saying that female wrestling is going to be phased out

completely, but it is so far down the pecking order right now

that I have hard time believing it's going to rebound.

Say what you will about A.J.'s acting ability or mannerisms, but she is probably in the top five in terms of popularity and visibility across the board in the WWE right now, and that includes male superstars. Layla, on the other hand, is the Divas Champion, but it still isn't uncommon for the writers to go an entire week without incorporating her at all.

That alone should tell you how little the Divas Championship and women's wrestling in general means in the eyes of the creative team. That doesn't mean that women no longer have a place in WWE, but it seems very obvious to me that their roles are reverting back to what we saw in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Women's wrestling still existed during that time period, but the WWE phased it out and focused more on valets such as Miss Elizabeth and Sherri Martel. You didn't really see women as authority figures like A.J. is now, but they played major roles in non-wrestling capacities, and I certainly believe the WWE is angling toward that again.

Although I'm sure most of the divas on the current roster would prefer to wrestle, this paradigm shift isn't necessarily a bad thing for the female wrestlers. They're hardly allowed to wrestle as it is and when they are, they're given only a couple minutes anyway, so if there is a way to better utilize them in a non-wrestling capacity, then I fully support it.

A.J. is the perfect example of a diva who is more valuable to the WWE as general manager of RAW than as a wrestler. She certainly has some solid in-ring skills and can hold her own in the squared circle, but she would simply be one diva on a long list of them that wrestles once every three weeks and has no true purpose within the company.

Whether you like women's wrestling or not, the WWE has several talented women on the roster who need to be utilized in some way. A.J. is one who has certainly been used effectively over the past few months and I believe that she is blazing the trail for female personalities in the WWE down the line.

WWE: Why A.J. Lee Is the Model for the Next Generation of Divas


A.J. Lee and Vickie Guerrero: What's Next in the Battle of Current & Former GMs? 


Last week on Raw, WWE laid the foundation for a battle of the GMs.

Per the storyline, a frustrated Vickie came out to the ring to vent her anger at the state of the Raw product—and demanded Raw GM AJ Lee, whom she has been feuding with, come out to the ring. 

Vickie, who has served as GM of both Raw and SmackDown in the past, considers AJ too erratic and unhinged to run WWE’s flagship show properly and feels a replacement GM is necessary—preferably her.  The two women had a feisty catfight earlier this week over their various issues.     

AJ eventually complied and a tense confrontation between the two followed. After some stalling, AJ finally admitted that she had been repudiated by the all-powerful WWE Board of Directors for her actions as of late.  A shell-shocked AJ then noted that they had banned her from laying a hand on any WWE superstar or employee—or else.  She also had to apologize to Vickie.

A gleeful Vickie promptly responded by taunting and mocking AJ, then viciously slapping her in the face after getting the apology. Poor AJ could do nothing, except throw a massive, furious tantrum after Vickie had left. Throwing things around, screaming at the fans…hey, maybe AJ should have sent herself to Dr. Shelby’s anger management classes, not Daniel Bryan and Kane. So, where is all this going, exactly?

Well, it’s difficult to say. One scenario is that it will lead to AJ getting replaced in her role as GM by Vickie. On paper this makes sense.
While AJ hasn’t been a total disaster as Raw’s main authority figure, she hasn’t been a success either.

While she has a perky, quirky charisma as Daniel Bryan’s crazy girlfriend, she lacks any real spark or zest in her boring office role.  By going corporate, she seems to have lost what made her special in the first place.


Her storyline rivalry with WWE Champion CM Punk—Punk thinks AJ is out to get him after he rebuffed her advances—hasn’t really gotten off the ground either, or helped establish Punk as WWE’s top heel. Fans aren’t really getting behind her and look to be as firmly supportive of the WWE Champion as ever.
Not to mention the basic logic loophole of why Vince McMahon, and the board of directors, would ever hire someone with such a history of wild and crazy behavior to run their flagship show.
So overall, AJ has not been a success in the role. No doubt Raw’s fledgling ratings aren’t helping her case either, especially since she’s been all over the show.
It’s not all AJ’s fault, of course. She’s been stuck with muddled, inconsistent writing and a wildly-veering character direction. Plus she didn’t ask WWE’s booking team to put her in every other segment, leading to overexposure.
Of course, AJ's dismissal may not happen after all. Maybe the end result of this will be AJ turning the tables on Vickie and securing her position as GM.  After all, WWE seem to be as high on her as ever, and it’s hard to believe her massive push would get dropped so suddenly.
It nearly goes without saying that AJ/Vickie will probably not be a classic feud—nor will it lead to any great matches. And it remains to be seen whether fans are willing to sit through yet another authority figure feud.
Regardless of how it turns out, the AJ/Vickie programme appears to be yet more time filler on the new three-hour Raw show. But, hey, if it’s any consolation, this looks to be like most feuds on WWE’s flagship show these days.



This is our new Background and we will be happy if AJ use it one day! What do you think guys? Tweet us!


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