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WWE diva AJ Lee isn’t just a grap-loving pretty face – she also prides herself on being a devoted gamer. So much so that she even went as far as cosplaying Kitana from Mortal Kombat on WWE TV. Ahead of last week’s Summerslam event, editor Ben Wilson caught up with the new Raw general manager to talk dressing up as games characters, playing Final Fantasy, and making her debut in THQ’s wrestling series this year.




WWE 13′s AJ Lee interview with Playstation magazine

AUG 25th

Fans Turning on AJLee with Richard Gray

Do you feel AJ Lee as General Manager is becoming boring?

I am amazed at how quickly many have turned on AJ Lee. Considered the “Internet’s darling” over the summer, several readers have dismissed her under the role as Raw’s General Manager. I’m still intrigued by the work of AJ and do not feel we are far enough in to call it a failure (although we can’t call it a success yet either).

AUG 25th

Is AJ Lee unstable or just power hungry?

AUG 25th

In just four short weeks as Raw General Manager, AJ Lee has managed to stir up plenty of controversy. From forcing CM Punk to defend his WWE Championship in a Triple Threat Match at SummerSlam to making Daniel Bryan undergo mandatory psychological evaluation, the allegedly unbalanced Diva hasn’t done much to get herself in the good graces of part of the WWE locker room.

During Raw this past Monday, reporters overheard Superstars and Divas wondering whether the diminutive Diva has let the absolute power that comes with her position go to her head rather quickly.

AJ Scheduled for RingsideFest 2012

AUG 24th

Live in the New York City area? On October 20th, you will be able to meet our very own AJ Lee at this year’s RingsideFest signing! We will have more details soon, but save the date and ensure that you make your way to Times Square to meet the Geek Goddess of WWE!

GamerLive.TV Interview With AJ Lee

AUG 23th

GamerLive.TV has posted an interview with AJ Lee that took place at the WWE 13 Press Event. She discusses how she found out about her role in the game (hint- we were all pretty much involved), her love of Final Fantasy, and why she’s glad she wasn’t an Attitude Era Diva.

First Look At AJ’s Upcoming Action Figure

AUG 22th

Since the announcement at Comic Con last month that AJ would be getting her own action figure, we’ve been waiting to get a first look of what she looks like in miniature form. Now, we finally have one- even though it’s small, it’s enough to determine what AJ’s upcoming action figure will look like:

Hopefully, you guys will be able to tell that the outfit AJ is wearing is not her ring gear- Mattel has instead opted for the outfit she wore in her Bustin’ Besties photoshoot. Expect a fuller preview to be made available nearer the release date, which is this November.

Every year, WWE & THQ select a few of their gaming roster to promote from after the roster reveal, and AJ has been selected as one of them. As a result, we now have her extremely high quality WWE 13 artwork! Only 15 of the 90 strong roster have had their art released, and it’s great that AJ is one of them- the shot is great!

HQ WWE 13 Artwork Released

AUG 21th

#RAW1004 Results – August 20, 2012

Matt Striker is in the interview area and he introduces AJ Lee. Matt asks AJ about CM Punk but David Otunga and the Magical travel mug are back and he interrupts her. David congratulates AJ for getting the job and David suggests that AJ might need some legal counsel. David says that he is the man for that. He will file a lawsuit at the blink of an eye if someone calls her crazy.

AJ looks at David after saying the ‘c’ word. AJ tells David that if he wants to offer his services, he can offer them in the ring against an opponent of her choosing.

Matt returns to his original question and he asks AJ about CM Punk’s Tout. She says that Punk can choose anyone he wants . . . pending her approval. AJ skips into a commercial.

Raw General Manager AJ Lee announces that Chris Jericho will face Dolph Ziggler in a SummerSlam rematch


One night after losing to Chris Jericho at SummerSlam, Dolph Ziggler implored WWE’s first-ever Undisputed Champion to give him a rematch. At first, Jericho rejected Ziggler’s pleas until AJ Lee skipped up to the two Superstars. Raw’s General Manager then announced the two competitors would square off on Raw and if Jericho lost, his WWE contract would be terminated. On that same note, if Ziggler lost, he would lose his Money in the Bank contract for a World Heavyweight Championship opportunity.
Randy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio came to Fresno State demanding a rematch against World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. Del Rio believed he was robbed at SummerSlam and wanted another opportunity to fulfill his destiny. As The Mexican Aristocrat demanded The Celtic Warrior, Raw General Manager AJ made her way to the ring and announced Del Rio would face WWE’s Apex Predator Randy Orton.

AUG 20th

WWE.Com Exclusive- AJ Lee Ponders What’s Next for CM Punk

AUG 20th

The Best of WWE Magazine 2012 

AUG 20th

AJ is featured, mostly in a look back feature at former features of the magazine she has taken part in.


Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler & AJ Lee Backstage Segment - WWE Raw 8/20/12

Esquire.Com Q&A AJ Lee, WWE Superheroine

AUG 20th

If you're a true blood-and-sinew kind of fighting fan, chances are you abandoned the WWE for UFC long ago. One of them is real, after all. But still: Millions of viewers in 145 countries and 30 different languages continue to tune in every week to watch men in shiny loin clothes throw each other around for a while. And it is, to be sure, a man's world, except for one WWE Diva — as female fighters are affectionately called — who bosses them all around. Her name is AJ Lee and she is the General Manager of WWE’s Monday Night Raw and you would not mistake her for someone from the Amazon. Over the past year, she's positioned herself firmly in the "geek-goddess" realm but still managed to reinforce WWE's place in the entertainment landscape by calling it out for what it is: silly fun. The Culture Blog caught up with Lee at this weekend's SummerSlam, where she made her ex-boyfriends Daniel Bryan and Kane face off — and where she defended the future of her uh, sport.
ESQUIRE.COM: So, during the height of the economic collapse, you did the most logical thing by dropping out of school to become a professional wrestler.
AJ LEE: I actually went to NYU for six months, had some family issues that kind of set me back, and I couldn't afford to go anymore. That was the theme going on in my whole life, you know: money stopping me from whatever I wanted to do. My dream my entire life was to be a wrestler, so that was my moment where I was like, Okay, let's do it now. I went to wrestling school and found a full-time job to support it.
ESQ: For the Speedos.
AJL: A lot of Speedos! You know, I was really close with my brother. I was a tomboy and kind of into anything he was into. By default, I started watching wrestling and fell in love with it. There's just something about being a superhero, being a kickass girl, and having that strength. It was something I didn't have in real life and I wanted to harness that. At 12-years-old, I knew that's what I wanted to do. I told people, but no one believed me. It never left my head. It was really the only thing I wanted.
ESQ: WWE's storylines and flying bodies have always been a little... over the top. But you actually have to train to be that crazy, right?
AJL: A lot of people get scouted and get brought in, but I paid to try out. I did this camp that 80 people go to, and I paid a lot of money. I just scraped together for a year, saved, and got to try out there. I had been wrestling for two and a half years — I was a train wreck. I just looked terrible. I didn't know what I was doing, but they can just kind of see the potential in you.



ESQ: FCW, that Florida Championship Wrestling development training, must have been a shock to the system.
AJL: I had never lifted a weight in my life. I was thin and didn't realize how small I was — I was like 96 pounds when I got signed. You don't want to be 96 pounds. It's not attractive. I didn't know how to do my hair and makeup. I was such a tomboy. The fact that they can see through that and say, We're going to teach you — that helped me learn. I learned how to work out. I gained 10 pounds of muscle within a year.
ESQ: You know, a lot of people still think of WWE Divas as being these giants like Chyna. What happened to her? Even today, you have people like this Kelly Kelly, who's just like a little Swarovski crystal. But you're more like a Comic-Con Diva.
AJL: The funny thing is that other people can see certain strengths as flaws. I heard a million times to clean up, but not be too much of a tomboy. I heard, This is what you have to convert to, this is the formula. I heard, People want to hang out with you but it might not get you where you need to go — they won't put your poster on the wall. And you know, it's wrong. There was something in me where I knew that people wanted someone that they could relate to. I was able to show that I was goofy and dorky, and right away, people embraced that. The company noticed and they were like, Let's just go with that.
ESQ: And it made you the general manager of Raw. I'm not even actually sure what that title means.
AJL: I'm the boss! I run our flagship program, and it's a huge weight to carry. It's hilarious that the tiniest person has the most power. It came completely out of left field. I had no idea that they were looking for a general manager for a really long time. They felt that it would be really surprising and unpredictable. So, you know, I book matches. I'm the boss of all the guys. It's fun because a lot of them have wronged me.
ESQ: Do you ever fear that UFC is encroaching upon your audience who want something that's "real?"
AJL: Even if you watch UFC, people like the bigger characters and the people you can get behind. What's important for our company is what's important for us as individuals. You get emotionally involved. It's not just two guys going out there and beating each other up.

Mens magazine/online blog Esquire interviewed AJ during the Summerslam Weekend. She discusses how she worked hard to get into WWE, and her thoughts on UFC:

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