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SummerSlam Results – August 19, 2012



AUG 19th12

Teddy Long and Eve were coming out of AJ’s office and talked about what a good job she was doing as GM. As they left, WWE champion CM Punk entered and told AJ that he wanted to reiterate that putting him in a match against two opponents where he can lose without being beaten isn’t right. AJ was zoned out and not listening. He said that she was doing this because he turned down her proposal on Raw. She just stared like a drone without emotion. He said she was disrespecting him just like Cena and all the uninformed fans have been but promised he would retain the title. He walked out and she was still somewhere on the Grid in Tron, because she sure wasn’t there.

WWE champion CM Punk vs. Big Show vs. John Cena

After Big Show ends up tapping while both Cena and Punk have their submission holds locked in on him, AJ Lee came out with her music and skipped to the ring. Cena and Punk were face to face arguing. Punk told her to “Do the right thing like Spike Lee” and told her to let the fans decide. AJ ordered them to restart the match.
You can see all AJ's SummerSlam pictures in our Gallery! - > 

WWE 13 Talent Panel Review

AUG 19th12

After it was revealed that AJ would be part of WWE 13, she took part in the official THQ WWE 13 Talent Panel. The panel was hosted by Jim Ross, and AJ was joined by CM Punk, Sheamus, Stone Cold, Mike Tyson, Dolph Ziggler, Brodus Clay & The Funkadactyls as they discussed the new game and Attitude Era memories. Here are the highlights pertaining to AJ:

AJ is asked by Jim Ross about how she feels about making it into WWE 13. She says she cried when she found out (she only found out when it was revealed- she had no idea beforehand that she would be a DLC), and she finds it surreal she no longer has to create herself in CAW mode. Her reaction is met with applause from the press.

Jim Ross asks AJ about the various things she would modify now that she’s got a DLC. She said she would exaggerate her body parts, and that she learned a lot of the names of wrestling moves through the WWE game series. AJ praises the newer games, saying that they have become a lot more realistic and innovative than its predecessors. She hopes that THQ makes her look better and more…enhanced.
Even though AJ is not featured much, I suggest you listen to the panel by visiting To Live & Game In L.A.- the highlight is Cameron calling out Stone Cold for eliminating her first in Tough Enough!

WWE.COM Photos: SummerSlam Axxess

AUG 19th12

Summerslam Fan Axxess Q&A Candids

AUG 19th12


AUG 18th12


The WWE13 game roster has just been revealed, and AJ has been announced as a DLC character!! Considering that Divas such as Layla & Natalya didn’t make the cut, this is AMAZING news for AJ & her fans. Congratulations April, and be sure to buy WWE 13 when it comes out on October 30th. We will keep you posted about when AJ’s character will be available.

AJ's Advertised for WWE Australian Tour

AUG 18th12

According to the official WWE app (which is a mobile version of WWE.Com), it looks as if AJ is going to embark on the RAW World Tour in Australia at the end of the month! Below is a printshot of the app on the Brisbane show tour page- at the bottom you can see AJ on the Superstars listed!

WWE Champion CM Punk mentions AJ!

AUG 18th12

WWE Champion, CM Punk recently had an interview with Gordon Holmes (Comcast) to promote SummerSlam. In the interview, he mentions AJ (just a tiny bit). You can check out that mention below:

Holmes: I was reading about your appearance at Chicago Comic Con, and you spoke of a retirement looming in the future. Is that accurate?

Punk: Well, eventually. I’m not going to wrestle forever.
Holmes: Well, yeah.
Punk: (Laughs) I would definitely say I’ve passed the middle point of my career for sure.
Holmes: What goals remain for you?
Punk: Not many. I kind of want to make a few guys and girls. And I think I’ve done a little bit of that with AJ (Lee). I want to make sure there’s a future for the wrestling business when I leave. I want to make sure there are people that fill that void.


You can read the full interview here - > 

WWE superstar AJ talks about SummerSlam and being the GM of 'Raw'

Recently, Hannah Mitchell, the 11-year-old daughter of Show Tracker's "Monday Night Raw" recapper Houston Mitchell, was able to interview some WWE superstars about this Sunday's pay-per-view event, SummerSlam. Here is the interview conducted with AJ:


AUG 18th12

Q: Who is the greatest GM in "Monday Night Raw" history?

AJ: I hope in time I can say me, but I think the greatest of all time, "Raw" or "Smackdown," would probably be Stephanie McMahon. I was a huge fan of hers when she was in charge. Actually, I will cheat and say myself.

Q: How did you come up with the idea of skipping to the ring?

AJ: Nobody did it before! It's fun to be in a business suit and be dressed all serious, but I'm skipping!

Q: What advice would you give to a young girl trying to become a pro wrestler?

AJ: I decided to be a wrestler when I was 12. I just knew it in my heart. And maybe that's the secret. Know what is in your heart. But definitely go to school and learn as much as you can and if wrestling is still what you want, find a good wrestling school and kind of learn as much information about it as you can. If I did it, this tiny thing, anyone can do it.

Q: Daniel Bryan, CM Punk or Kane. If you HAD to marry one, which would you pick?

AJ: Oh my gosh! No one has ever asked me that before! That's a hard question. OK, let's rule Kane out because he lives in a boiler room and I don't want to live there. I came close to marrying Daniel Bryan but that didn't really work out and I don't think CM Punk is the marrying type, so I don't seem to have a lot of options. So I will say none of the above.

Q: What was your reaction when you were first told you would be general manager of "Raw"?

AJ: At first I was happy and then I was terrified. The first thought that popped in my head was, "Can I do that?" So I think I doubted myself all day, and I think I was unsure the entire week and wasn't feeling that confident, but after the first day I started feeling better about it each day and now I love it.

Fightin' Fangirls: WWE Diva AJ Lee

AUG 17th

The new GM of RAW talks about her trip to the Marvel offices, her plans for SummerSlam, and more!


By Arune Singh with Ben Morse

In Avengers Vs. X-Men, the biggest comic book event of the year, the powerful Phoenix Force arrived on Earth and imbued five X-Men with unstoppable power. Now, slowly corrupted by this force, the “Phoenix Five” have shifted their focus from helping the world to self-interest.
Over in the WWE Universe, fans of Sports Entertainment may be witnessing a similar phenomenon, as WWE Diva AJ Lee recently accepted the position of General Manager of Monday Night Raw and has proceeded to shake up the landscape in the name of “good.”
On the eve of the historic 25th edition of the SummerSlam pay per view event, spoke with AJ about her new role, if she’s really going crazy with power and why she’s not unlike Doctor Doom! We have to start off by congratulating on your new job as GM of Monday Night RAW. You’re pretty damn powerful now!
AJ: [Laughter] Thank you! A lot has changed since last time [we spoke]. You were proposing to Daniel Bryan and CM Punk a couple months ago. Now you’ve become the Captain America of WWE, leading the WWE Universe. Do you think that’s a fair comparison?
AJ: Oh gosh. That’s kind of a lofty comparison. [Laughter] But I think since being in charge is being able to make the right decisions and what’s best for everyone, whether or not it’s what’s best for you personally, it might work. I’m trying to be impartial and yet still strong, giving everyone what they want. Well, to be honest, when you’re around your ex-fiancée Daniel Bryan I could I swear you’re a bit more like Doctor Doom.

AJ: You know, I think I’m being as fair as possible, but I do understand where the darkness can kind of creep in there sometimes and you have a grudge. So I think if you asked Daniel Bryan he would say I’m more Doctor Doom than Captain America, but to me I’m just being as fair and unbiased as possible. Speaking of Marvel characters, we all know you’re an X-Men fan and with the return of the Phoenix in Avengers Vs. X-Men, some of the X-Men have been powered up. This started well for them but they’re slowly being corrupted by the power—do you see this happening to you as RAW General Manager?
AJ: You know, I think a lot of people expect that or would understand if that’s something that would happen, but right now it’s only been a couple weeks and I don’t think I’m power hungry. I don’t think I’m taking advantage of it yet. Or ever will be. Hopefully I can be as fair as I can for as long as I can, but it is a big responsibility and sometimes when things get a little intense and you have all that power, who knows, it might go to someone’s head. Yeah. You might go a little Dark Phoenix. That’s what we’re worried about.
AJ: [Laughter] On a somewhat related note, last time you spoke with us you mentioned that you and Daniel were like the Jean Grey and Cyclops of WWE.

AJ: Awww. Now that you’ve got all the power and gone Phoenix and Daniel’s sort of become a jerk, do you think the comparison still holds, or would you compare yourselves to a different couple?
AJ: [Laughter] I guess it kind of still holds if you think about it. But now I’m kind of nervous to see who’s going to be Emma Frost. I don’t know. [Laughter] I’m keeping my eyes on Eve. I’m watching her. Wait, so if Daniel is Cyclops, would you say CM Punk is Wolverine?
AJ: Isn’t he? I mean, I think everyone would say that. Also he’s got the beard going on too now… And the crazy hair. It works now.
AJ: Yeah. I think he’s slowly getting there. That’s a really good comparison actually. Earlier this year you visited the Marvel offices in New York City and went behind the scenes with our editorial team. What were your favorite moments?
AJ: It was just really fun to see all the detail that goes into every aspect—the art, the coloring, the lettering—and sit down with [Marvel editor] Bill Rosemann. He showed me a lot of little tricks, such as how to make speech balloons fit properly and how to fit in the credits. I went to film school for about six months and I took some animation classes, but it’s always so mind blowing to me because I could never draw like that. So just to see the bare bones, you know, beginning of everything and how it ends up is—gosh, you guys are so talented. Do you think you learned any lessons from seeing how the Mighty Marvel machine works that you can apply to the way you’re running RAW?

AJ: I hope so. You guys seem to have a good unit going on, a well-oiled machine.  Everyone seems to be working together and there’s a positive vibe and sometimes at RAW it’s not quite as smooth.  But hopefully during my tenure I can get everyone working on the same page, which is why I’m bringing Daniel Bryan and Kane back together. They need to get along; they need to learn how to put on a good match. Just trying to get everything to work smoothly. As GM of RAW, you’ve added excitement with bold decisions like the Triple Threat match at SummerSlam this Sunday between CM Punk, John Cena and the Big Show for the WWE Championship. But if were able to make things exciting by drafting talent to RAW from the Marvel Universe, who would you choose?
AJ: Well, I think it would be really interesting to actually see some of the people who would be comparable to each other from the WWE Universe and the Marvel Universe pitted against each other. CM Punk vs. Wolverine, for example. It’d be interesting to see who survives that. You do have a soft spot for Jean Grey…
AJ: I would just bring around Jean Grey to just hang out with me backstage and run things with me. That’s a good answer. She could read everyone’s minds.
AJ: Yeah, exactly. So she’d be really useful for a couple of weeks and then I’d get afraid of her [laughs]. Going back to SummerSlam, are you pulling for anyone? It seems like only John Cena hasn’t knocked you over or been a jerk to you.

AJ: Right now, as General Manager, yes, I put CM Punk in a Triple Threat, and yes, he thinks it was because I’m angry at him saying no to my proposal, but I was trying to give the fans what they want to see, and I think they all deserve to be in the match. So right now I’m impartial. Let the best man win. Any other matches you’re looking forward to at SummerSlam?
AJ: I’m really excited to see the matches that I’ve made; not only the Triple Threat, but also Kane vs. Daniel Bryan. I also have to mention Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler, which might just steal the show and be the match of the night. And I think everyone wants to see Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H. That is going to be brutal because it’s become so personal, especially with Paul Heyman’s involvement. I think everyone in the back is really looking forward to that battle.





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