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Night of Champions Preview- A Golden Night or Night Of Disaster? By @ajeanetteorg

It’s safe to say this past month for AJ has been turbulent- now into her second month as RAW General Manager, her foes have made themselves known, and AJ has found it difficult to combat them. With many elements against her, AJ needs to have a golden night to prove she can handle her role as RAW General Manager. There are many that will try to stop this, including:

Booker T- He’s made it known that he hasn’t liked some of the decisions AJ has made, and undermined her authority on RAW last week. Will he try to counter her decisions tonight?
Prime Time Players- AJ put their Tag Team Title match in jeopardy on RAW, and they ended up losing their shot to Daniel Bryan & Kane (aka Team Friendship). They won’t be happy, and Titus has made it clear he plans on confronting AJ tonight.
Daniel Bryan & Kane- Having put them in anger management classes, AJ has tried to help them both. Will it blow up in her face tonight?
CM Punk- AJ has put herself into the middle of the WWE Championship match, and CM Punk feels as if she’s trying to get revenge for him rejecting her during the epic Summer of 2012. Will there be anything more between them, and will Paul Heyman interject himself?
Vickie Guerrero- Perhaps the biggest challenge for AJ is Vickie Guerrero. Having attacked Vickie, AJ had an anti-violence rule placed on her, which Vickie took advantage of. Will we see more development of that tonight?

Tekken Tag Tournament 2


In order to promote Tekken Tag Tournament 2, WWE.Com has a new feature that pairs up a Tekken character with their WWE Superstar/Diva counterpart! AJ is paired with Angel- do you agree with this pairing and, more importantly, does AJ agree? Check out the full feature on WWE.Com


Backstage, Daniel Bryan and Kane came across their doctor and were both declaring they were the Tag Team champions. AJ screamed at them to shut up and said she spent great expenses to help them deal with their anger management and they win the belts but still can’t be happy to each other. Bryan congratulated Kane. Kane walked off. Bryan was protesting that Kane walked off when Kane returned and doused Bryan and AJ with Gatorade. He said he was going to Disneyland.

Titus O’Neil To Confront AJ Lee At Night of Champions?, CM Punk Hypes Tonight’s PPV



- We noted earlier that AJ Lee putting Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Titus O’Neil and Darren Young in a #1 contenders match at RAW last week was part of the feud between AJ and Booker T that they are building to. Titus O’Neil says he will be at Night of Champions tonight to confront AJ. He tweeted:

“Off to Boston. Not very happy with the #RAW GM AJ Lee. Blatant abuse of power and she will hear all about it face to Face at #NOC”

- WWE Champion CM Punk hyped Night of Champions on his Twitter last night:

“Boston. Tomorrow. Embrace the hate.”

Fans chimed in with how that was Kane’s line and Punk replied:

“Was that a Kane thing? Alright. Violence. Embrace violence. I’m going to beat everybody up. That better? Marks.”



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Night of Disaster

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. — Raw began only 24 hours after the conclusion to Night of Champions, but the controversial coda to the pay-per-view left a fallout so severe it felt like it had been brewing for years. From the second the opening pyro boomed, the WWE Universe was riled up, hungry for answers as to what the implications of the WWE Championship Match — a double pinfall draw that saw CM Punk retain his title against John Cena — would be. Salvation seemingly arrived moments into the show as the opening chords of "Cult of Personality" ripped through the Webster Bank Arena, and who should arrive but ... Paul Heyman.

Far from a glimpse into the future, though, the mad scientist was only on hand to bring vindication to his friend's dubious retention. Heyman wasted no time in summoning WWE referee Chad Patton, who officiated the title contest, to the ring to bring vindication to the double pinfall that left the title in Punk's hands. Heyman produced not only a still photo from the title match, but somehow procured fan-shot footage from a camera phone in the front row of the fateful German suplex that led to the double pinfall. His work seemingly done, Heyman began to extol the virtues of The Second City Saint and took up the champion's cause of demanding respect.

John Cena, however, was having none of it. The Cenation leader, showing no ill effects of the ankle injury he suffered at Night of Champions, stormed down to the ring and shockingly agreed with Patton's decision, but not the "finality" of it. Unable and unwilling to accept that Punk and Cena's roiling rivalry could possibly conclude in a double pinfall (and unwilling to give Punk respect based off of same), Cena offered up a solution: a title rematch later that same night.

Heyman, evoking his status as "The Voice of the Voice of the Voiceless," began to respond until the overture of Alberto Del Rio's music cut him and Cena off mid-sentence. The Essence of Excellence, still flanked by the injured Ricardo Rodriguez, wasted no time in condemning SmackDown General Manager Booker T's reinstatement of the Brogue Kick, and the fact that it (according to Del Rio) cost him the World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions. As "the man who never lies," Del Rio demanded that he receive a title rematch.

That brought out Raw GM AJ Lee to settle the debate: Eyes wide with the fire of inspiration, AJ declared she'd come up with a "super main event": A tag match pitting WWE Champion CM Punk & Del Rio against World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus & Cena. "And who knows?" she concluded. "Whoever wins will go a long way toward determining if there will be a rematch and who will be in it."


#RAW Results


CM Punk complains to AJ and the referee about the missed call during his match


WWE Magazine's October issue preview


Out Now … WWE Magazine’s October issue!

The Anti-Superstar
Randy Orton has always been a lightning rod for controversy since he stepped foot in WWE, but that’s a product of his stubborn refusal to conform to anyone’s expectations except his own. Here, we give Orton the chance to set the record straight on some of the rumors swirling around The Viper and his return to the ring.

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WWE Magazine editors employ detailed metrics to determine the most physically demanding, violent and treacherous bouts in WWE history. These are the contests that made legends and shortened careers.

Faces Of Evil
They’re the men and women who go to any lengths to get what they want, and who have succeeded far more often than they’ve failed. From Kane to AJ Lee, we celebrate WWE’s best villains, featuring exclusive photography that shows them at their most devilish.

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Can you tell the difference between a wrestler from the ’70s and ’80s, and one of those so-called hipsters? Take our quiz and see. You’ll be surprised by the results!

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Daniel Bryan
Dolph Ziggler
Damien Sandow
Santino Marella
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Who is more deserving of a Night of Champions rematch: Cena or Del Rio?

Not “skipping” a beat, Raw General Manager AJ Lee restored order on the red brand, acknowledging that both Cena and Del Rio deserve second chances, and elected to combine both of the Night of Champions main events to create a tag team “super main event” on Raw. At the end of the night, it would be Cena & Sheamus vs. Del Rio & Punk. Ms. Lee affirmed that a victory in this contest would go a long way in determining which Superstar is most worthy of another title match.The conclusion of AJ Lee’s “super main event” raised many questions, but one immediately comes to mind: Is it John Cena or Alberto Del Rio who truly deserves a rematch in the wake of Night of Champions?


Had AJ Lee made a similar ruling, Cena could very well be enjoying his 11th WWE Title reign. Nevertheless, it’s ultimately up to AJ Lee and Booker T to determine whether Cena or Punk — or both or neither — will receive title opportunities in the near future. But what does the WWE Universe think? To weigh in on this issue, take the poll by clicking here



October 2012 WWE Magazine is here! You can find AJ next page after Daniel Bryan! AJ standing and looking as with a mysterious way. In her right we can see ''he loves ME he loves Me NOT! SHe should be sure that we love her.  Inside the magazine  you could also find Rey Mysterio and 'Taker Posters!

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WWE Live Event Results From State College, PA (9/22)


AJ comes out and is about to tell some bad news, but is interrupted by WWE Champion CM Punk. Punk says that Cena is injured and will not be here tonight. He took credit for causing the injury and said that he wins by forfeit. AJ said that this was her show and he will still wrestle tonight, against The Big Show.

AJ then said that we're starting out with a tag match, and introduces Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara. Next out is The Miz then Tensai. Good tag match, heels had the advantage for the first half, but eventually the faces gained the advantage. Rey gets the hot tag and takes it to Tensai before Miz broke up the pin. Mysterio sets up both men for the 619, but Miz escaped. Sin Cara gets the tag but botches his Senton and missed Tensai completely, yet still got the pin.

Miz cut a heel promo on Mysterio saying that he didn't lose because he wasn't pinned. He said that he was the best and called Mysterio back out and said that if he accepts a 1-on-1 match, he'll hurt him. Mysterio comes out and its on. In a quick match, Mysterio defeated Miz with the 619 followed by the dive off the top rope.

Next up is Layla vs Aksana. Aksana overpowers Layla early on, and controlled most of the match before Layla took over and picked up the win.

Antonio Cesaro appears on the screen and demands more respect since he's the United States champion and announces he'll defend it tonight. Fans can pick the stipulation for CM Punk vs. Big Show, with the choices being a Lumberjack match or a 2/3 falls match.

Next is Brodus Clay vs Heath Slater. Slater says that no one is here to see the Funkasaurus, but are there to see the "one man band." Brodus wins in a decent back and forth match after catching Slater off the top rope and hitting a suplex followed by the splash. After the match, kids entered the ring and danced with Brodus.

At intermission, the poll was 92% for a Lumberjack match and 8% for 2/3 falls for tonight's main event.

After the break, Zack Ryder is introduced as Antonio Cesaro's opponent. This was a candidate for match of the night. They had an excellent back and forth, and the crowd was really into it. Cesaro won with the neutralizer. After the match he went after Ryder, but was hit with with the Ruff Ryder. Cesaro rolled out of the ring and was helped to the back as Ryder celebrated.

Damien Sandow is out next, and cuts a promo about how he has yet to be pinned. Justin Gabriel comes out next for their match. Sandow dominated the match, but Gabriel picked up the upset win after hitting a moonsault/DDT.

Dean Ambrose vs Michael McGillicutty is up next. Roughly a third of the crowd seemed to know who Ambrose was. This was also a fantastic match, with both men pulling out all the stops. Too bad the crowd was dead. After a hard fought match involving a lot of action both inside and outside the ring, McGillicutty won with the swinging neckbreaker.

The main event is next. The Big Show took forever to come out. Finally he emerged and got a mixed reaction. Punk easily got the pop of the night, but Show played the face. AJ announced that this is a Lumberjack match. Punk lays into AJ, saying she might the worst GM ever because she's a woman. Surprisingly he didn't get the heat he was expecting. Punk said that women are horrible in charge and tries to walk out before the match, but the lumberjacks chase him back in the ring. Punk holds the title over his head for awhile before Show told him that he won't be holding it for much longer.

Show overpowered Punk in the early going. The crowd was now really behind Show. Punk mounted a small comeback, but Show fought back. Punk hit three high knees in the corner before hitting the bulldog, followed by the elbow. Show kicked out and started to mount a comeback before Punk got himself disqualified by hitting the lumberjacks and Show with the belt. The lumberjacks leave and Punk celebrates until Mysterio comes out. He too got a face full of title belt, as does Sin Cara, who came out next. As Punk celebrated on the turnbuckle, Show got up and nailed Punk with the WMD to send the crowd home happy.

Biggest Pops:
1) CM Punk (during entrance) /Big Show (during match)
2) Zack Ryder
3) Rey Mysterio / AJ

Biggest Heat:
1) Damien Sandow
2) Antonio Cesaro
3) The Miz



WWE Live Event Results From White Plains, NY


Paul Heyman joined the current WWE RAW live event tour tonight in White Plains, New York. He and WWE Champion CM Punk interrupted RAW General Manager AJ Lee to open the show. AJ announced Punk vs. Big Show in a Lumberjack Match for the main event. That match saw Show win by DQ after all the Lumberjacks got involved. Zack Ryder’s mom and dad were in the crowd for tonight’s RAW live event. Apparently Ryder had a fog machine for his entrance. Ryder lost to United States Champion Antonio Cesaro, who did not have Aksana with him as he dumped her on last night’s SmackDown. Aksana worked as the special referee for WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres vs. Layla. Eve got the win after getting Aksana to help her. Dean Ambrose also worked tonight’s live event in White Plains. He lost to Michael McGillicutty. Must See New Diva Lingerie Photos, Big Angle Set for RAW, Future WWE Title Plans

ALBANY, NY – Raw kicked off not with a bang, but with a sit-in, as the cameras opened up on WWE Champion CM Punk and his associate, Paul Heyman, staging their own miniature protest and occupying the squared circle in an act of civil disobedience. "We will not be leaving until justice is served," Heyman pontificated, referring to Punk's dubious loss to John Cena the previous week, a defeat that occurred despite The Second City Saint having reached the ropes with his foot while the referee counted to three. With his evidence presented, Heyman demanded that the official, Brad Maddox, make his way to the ring, admit his error, and tender his resignation live on Raw.

After a brief pause, Maddox made his presence known, looking for all the world like a sheep on its way to the slaughter. The young referee faced Heyman's fire admirably, offering up an apology for bungling his first main event. Maddox balked, however, at the mad scientist of Extreme's demand that he tender his resignation. This brought The Second City Saint to his feet, venom spewing forth as CM Punk berated the referee for "embarrassing" both himself and the WWE Champion live on Raw. "Who are you?" Punk sneered, which brought forth the explanation: Maddox was a new referee, brought to Raw by General Manager AJ Lee after Raw expanded to three hours. Or, as Heyman put it, "you're a scab!" before presenting Maddox with a gift: a sleep mask with the WWE logo over one eye and the NFL emblem covering the other.

Before the public shaming could continue, however, AJ skipped down to the ring and excused Maddox for the time being, and a brief back-and-forth with Heyman led to Punk re-entering the fray. With tensions mounting, Punk cued up his own piece of footage: AJ's left-field marriage proposal to The Second City Saint from Raw two months earlier. "That's the reason ... you sent an incompetent referee out to screw me last week," Punk continued, laughing in AJ's face. "You forget last week's match ever happened and I'll forget the hundreds of text messages and voicemails you left me that I'm not fit to air on the USA Network."

With AJ getting more than a little red in the face, Heyman stepped in again, offering to help navigate the choppy waters the WWE Champion suddenly found himself in. Heyman's solution: marry him! (they didn't call him the mad scientist for nothing). "Think about all the power couples we're gonna trump!" Heyman shrieked from down on one knee. Heyman's genius took a left-field turn when he insinuated that he would come up with all the ideas and AJ could take the credit. For the grand finale, Heyman lasciviously sneered that "I like 'em dumb, young and ambitious," which brought forth a vicious slap across the face from Miss Lee.


Raw results

AJ goes to Tout to inform you about WWE's new Hulu deal





- Tonight’s WWE SmackDown tapings will take place from the First Niagara Center in Buffalo, New York, the hometown of Beth Phoenix. Randy Orton will be flying down from the set of 12 Rounds: Reloaded as he is booked in the main event against Big Show. Local advertisements are for Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler and they’re teasing that Ziggler may cash in.

- RAW General Manager AJ Lee continued the storyline with CM Punk after last night’s RAW. She tweeted:

“Hey @CMPunk are you sure you want to expose the details of our personal life? I can play that game too. #someonesacuddler”

- Former WWE Diva Candice Michelle noted on Twitter that she is due to give birth in less than a month. Candice threw a birthday party over the weekend for her husband where Lilian Garcia sang to him.




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AJ Lee says Matt Striker is full of it when he asks her about Paul Heyman's proposal during RAWactive.


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