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WWE Raw World Tour
St Joseph Civic Arena
100 N 4th St, St Joseph, MO 64501
Fri, Sep 28, 2012 07:30 PM

Main Event:

Big Show vs CM Punk for the WWE Championship


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The Bella Twins talks about AJ storyline with Daniel Bryan

​In their shoot interview, Bella Twins mention AJ and talked about her storyline with Bryan 

On their storyline with Daniel Bryan

Nikki: "Maybe you should take this one Brie"

Brie talked about how she instantly hit it off with him because they were both "the hippies of the group" and they had so much in common. Nikki said she really enjoyed it too, and seeing them fall for each other was really cute. Nikki talked about how he legitimately didn't like the fact that she was always all over him during their entrance. Brie told a story about how at one live event he made them go out to the ring like aeroplanes as a rib flying down to the ring which she thought was completely stupid. Brie talked about how Daniel got her number by acting as if he might need it for work, and they started dating after their storyline ended. Nikki chimes in to talk about how they used to go to museums before Raw and get coffee together, and Brie talks about how happy she is to have found someone in wrestling that she shares so much with and she feels like she got the "best one of the litter". When asked about the AJ storyline she was quick to point out that she didn't have a problem with it because she knew it was a storyline (referencing the tweet she made about it) and that she's actually happy for AJ to get such a big push. She was also really happy for Daniel that he got such a great opportunity to develop his character.

On the NXT girls, they talked about working briefly with AJ. Nikki talked about how she was a little bit surprised to see how her character has developed so rapidly from the cute little girl to the crazy chick, but it just goes to show what people can do when they are given an opportunity. Brie talked about how she knew that Kaitlyn would be getting a big push, but she thought it was surprising that Naomi hasn't gotten a chance as a wrestler "because she had awesome moves" and is instead stuck dancing.

Also They loved their Superstars tag team match against Kaitlyn and AJ. AJ was easy to work with, she would listen to Brie and Nikki's ideas and then put in her own input.

The show opens with Justin Roberts introducing RAW General Manager AJ.

AJ comes to the ring and announces that John Cena will not be in St. Joseph. She says that The Big Show will replace Cena in the main event. Out comes an infuriated CM Punk, who confronts AJ and says that she is the worst GM ever. AJ responds by saying that tonight's main event will be a "fans choice" match.  AJ says that full refunds will be given up until the second match because Cena was not there. Next up for the WWE Championship: CM Punk vs The Big Show. First out comes The Big Show, followed by CM Punk. On his way down, Big Show got into a war of words with Punk after he said ROH sucked and a few choice words about Colt Cabana. Then Punk cut a promo on how St. Joseph is a dump. He then points out a lady with huge puffy white hair sitting next to a guy with a cowboy hat. He proceeds to call her a Dolly Parton wannabe.

Then out skips AJ with the results of the text/tweet poll. We are going to have ourselves a lumberjack match! Punk then tries to escape only to be thrown back into the ring by our lumberjack faces.


WWE Live Event Results From St. Joseph


Today we celebrating one month of action! Last month, on 30 August a new website of WWE Diva and Raw General Manager,  AJ Lee was created to give you all the updates about our geek goddess, including crazy chick pictures, videos. We will keep up the hard work so you can have the best results. Thanks to everyone who supported us threw this month and hope you will continue prefer us as your favorite AJ Lee fansite!    

One month online! One month of action! One month of AJ Lee updates! One month Celebration! 


​First day of October guys! A new month starts! August wasn't an easy deal for our geek goddess. She faced some difficulties but she stayed strong. First of all WWE Champion CM Punk took a ''day off'' leaving AJ exposed on Raw Sept.3AJ Lee apologized to Vickie Guerrero for attacking Vickie two weeks earlier. Vickie slapped her twice. Then AJ had a breakdown in the ring. AJ promptly had a meltdown in the middle of the ring, slamming a steel chair against the mat before tossing it over the ropes and onto the ramp. All in all, not a great day for our crazy chick. On Raw Sept.10 AJ had a segment with CM Punk telling him that things could be worse for him. After Sheamus defeated David Otunga, he hit him with a Brogue Kick, which is still banned. AJ came out to punish him, but SmackDown! GM, Booker T did it instead. Clearly unhappy with how things went down on her show, AJ posted her response on Twitter: Hey @BookerT5x next time you want to appear on RAW, my show, ask first. I could have handle @WWESheamus without your help. â€‹Raw Sept. 17 went smoothly as AJ came out to announce the ''super main event''. Raw Sept. 23 didn't run smoothly. AJ skipped down to the ring and excused Maddox for the time being, and a brief back-and-forth with Heyman led to Punk re-entering the fray. With tensions mounting, Punk cued up his own piece of footage: AJ's left-field marriage proposal to The Second City Saint from Raw two months earlier. "That's the reason ... you sent an incompetent referee out to screw me last week," Punk continued, laughing in AJ's face. AJ was getting more than a little red in the face. Heyman's said: "Think about all the power couples we're gonna trump!" Heyman shrieked from down on one knee. Heyman's genius took a left-field turn when he insinuated that he would come up with all the ideas and AJ could take the credit. For the grand finale, Heyman lasciviously sneered that "I like 'em dumb, young and ambitious," which brought forth a vicious slap across the face from Miss Lee. ï»¿September was a difficult month for our favorite Diva. Wish her October be a good month for her and stay strong. 


New Month and September Review 


OKLAHOMA CITY — The Voice of the Voiceless, CM Punk, took to the airwaves as Raw began, throwing accusations of cowardice in the general direction of both John Cena and Mick Foley. Punk condemned them for their actions the previous week (Cena for battering Punk with a lead pipe while the WWE Champion's back was turned and Foley for a perceived act of disrespect in the locker room area as Raw went to black). While The Second City Saint showed little to no remorse for his attack on The Hardcore Legend in the locker room, he did say that Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy managed to reach Punk with his impassioned plea to face John Cena at Hell in a Cell for the WWE Title. That said, he must not have reached the WWE Champion all too well, because despite Foley's "eloquent" speech, the match was still not going to happen.

With that business settled, The Voice of the Voice of the Voiceless, Paul Heyman, was next to step up to the mic. He took Raw General Manager AJ Lee to task for striking him last week following the mad scientist's marriage proposal and called for her termination as GM for violating a previous edict by the WWE Board of Directors preventing AJ from putting her hands on any competitors, managers or the like ever again. And who would fill the power void left by Miss Lee's hypothetical removal from power? Paul Heyman.

Vickie Guerrero, however, was not having it. Flanked by Dolph Ziggler, the "Queen Diva" strode to the ring with great purpose and made her case for assuming the GM position. Jaw-jacking followed, which left The Showoff to assume the unlikely role of peacekeeper: What if, Ziggler posed, Vickie and Heyman were to team up as Co-GMs following AJ's potential ouster.

This left AJ no choice but to make her presence known, revealing to her assembled, would-be usurpers that the Board of Directors had placed her on probation, and she had hired an "Executive Coach" to help her through an evaluation period. Which promptly brought out ...

Daniel Bryan?

Yes (yes, yes, yes), Team Hell No's bearded technical maven stormed down to the ring, somehow managing between his apoplectic screams of "NO!" to assert that AJ's issues have been compounded by her dumping at the hands of Bryan following his WrestleMania loss. Bryan nefariously twiddled his beard as he extolled his own physical virtues ("I AM HANDSOME!!!!") and championship acumen ("I'M THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!!"). This brought out Kane, who tossed a compliment AJ's way ("she is a phenomenal kisser!") before correcting one of Bryan's points: that Kane, not Bryan, was the Tag Team Champions.

Chaos followed, with Kane, Bryan, Ziggler, Punk, Vickie and Heyman all screaming over each other before AJ regained control of the masses. "This is my show," seethed the boss lady, decreeing that the night's main event would be Punk & Ziggler facing the WWE Tag Team Champions, Team Hell No.



Team Hell No vs. CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler AJ as referee 

CM Punk, Paul Heyman, AJ Lee, Dolph Ziggler, Team Hell No! Opening Segment Raw

An Executive Coach evaluates Raw General Manager AJ Lee

On Monday's Raw, WWE Champion CM Punk, Paul Heyman, Vickie Guerrero, Dolph Ziggler and Team Hell No all expressed their displeasure with Raw General Manager AJ Lee. But what do you, the WWE Universe, have to say about how AJ's performance as Raw GM? Add your voice to the conversation now using #AJLeeGM on Twitter or Tout your opinion!

How is AJ Lee doing as Raw General Manager?


Photos of AJ Lee THQ WWE'13


Here's Matt Striker Tout:


​There have been a number of wild love triangles throughout WWE history. Some are intensely personal, while others are just plain bizarre. In WWE, jealousy, power and championships often come into play when it comes to the soap operas unfolding between the ropes.

WWE Classics climbs aboard the love boat and examines 10 of the most memorable love triangles and their effect on the parties involved.

Tell us your favorite WWE love triangle in Twitter! 


Click to enlarge

''It doesn't care if you are a mother or a daughter. Breast Cancer doesn't care. We Care''! WWE is proud to partner with Susan G.Komen for the cure to help fight Breast Cancer. Superstars and Divas continue to show their support to SusanG. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Find out how you can help at

Superstars and Divas continue to show their support to Susan.G

We can finally se AJ’s character from the WWE 13 video game. AJ is amazing and we are sure that she loved watching her self in WWE 13 game roster as we are sure she enjoyed playing as she! See video below: 


WWE '13 Game 


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