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AJ Lee & Kane & Daniel Bryan & Dr.Shelby Backstage at WWE Night of Champions 2012

By Marisa Panagi

We found this video from Night of Champions and we upload it for you! Thank You @ AJFanForeverLee

Will A.J. Lee Have a Great WWE Career?

By Sharon Glencross


As the most pushed WWE Diva in many years—not since Trish Stratus was all over the product in the early ‘00s has a female performer in the company been afforded such attention—there is a great deal of expectations on A.J's shoulders.

With her charisma and work ethic, as well as the support of management behind her, Lee—a lifelong wrestling fan—looks set to do great things in her WWE career.

But there are a few potential obstacles in her quest for success.

For one thing, some would argue she has already been overexposed and fans are fast growing weary of her heavy presence on Raw every week. She often feels forced into major angles and storylines, even when it makes little or no sense whatsoever: Come on, why would the strict, by-the-rules WWE Board of Directors ever allow such an obviously unstable woman to ever be Raw GM?

Why does Managing Supervisor Vickie insist on keeping A.J. on the show simply to “prove” she carried on a relationship with John Cena?

Doesn’t she have a show to run?

Vince McMahon and WWE seem stubbornly determined to push her, even at the expense of the overall product. Despite A.J’s likability and natural charm, fan resentment—and the backlash—towards her could prove a huge problem in her otherwise bright future. 

Following on from this, it’s too soon to tell how this current storyline—in which Cena and A.J. may or may not be having an affair—will work out.

It could turn out to be entertaining, in a trashy soap-opera type of way. But the fact that the angle has conjured up comparisons with TNA’s awful Claire Lynch angle probably isn’t a good sign.

Yup: A.J. may soon have another bad storyline on her WWE resume.

Free of her corporate role, A.J. looks to have also moved back to the women’s division—even taking on Beth Phoenix last week. While she is obviously better suited to this—she was, all things considered, a pretty awful general manager—it remains to be seen how far she can go as a women’s wrestler.

For one thing, WWE have neglected their Divas Division for years now.

The girls all try, but they are hampered by an indifferent booking team and fan apathy. With this in mind, A.J. can’t really benefit from being associated with it in its current condition.

Another matter is that, for all her time spent on the indies and FCW, she’s still not that great of a wrestler, with her efforts paling in comparison to the work of supremely talented performers Eve or Natalya.

She can always get better, of course, but at this point it remains to be seen whether she is someone you could build a division around—assuming WWE ever do decide to do anything with it.

In summation, A.J. may look set to have a great WWE career—and maybe she will—but only if the company stops pushing her down everyone’s throats and placing her in one convoluted angle after another.

Giving her a decent women’s division to work with would also be a good start.

What’s Vickie’s new “AJ scandal” evidence?

By James Wortman


Late Thursday evening, Raw Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero hinted on Twitter that she would unveil even more evidence of John Cena and AJ Lee’s so-called inappropriate relationship this Monday night, live on Raw. Although the nature of this evidence remains a mystery, it seems as though Vickie will be hard-pressed to top her previous bombshells that have blown the “AJ scandal” wide open.

For weeks, Vickie has dedicated herself to shedding new light on a supposed romance between the Cenation leader and the former Raw General Manager, who resigned from her post in October due to accusations that she was fraternizing with Cena. First, Vickie brought forward photographic evidence that Cena had dinner with AJ while she was Raw GM, followed up immediately by hand-held camera footage showing the pair getting into the same hotel elevator. But Vickie didn’t stop there.

Screening black-and-white hotel security footage on the TitanTron during the Nov. 5 edition of Raw, Guerrero gleefully pointed out that a bathrobe-garbed AJ — in what the Managing Supervisor called “a state of undress” — had seemingly entered Cena’s room after the pair’s “business dinner.” Not only that, but also a shirtless Cena would later hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on his door! Outrageous! Salacious! … Bogus?

Cena claims that Vickie’s security footage was doctored, and that he and AJ were staying in completely separate rooms the night they met for dinner. With new evidence continuing to trickle forth, however, the “AJ scandal” is far from over, and could very well hinge on whatever Vickie reveals on Monday.

But what is the nature of this evidence? Will we learn what really happened inside Cena’s hotel room, or is Guerrero slowly unraveling a plot to destroy the reputations of her rival and one of the most celebrated Superstars in WWE history?

Furthermore, how will Cena and AJ react on Raw, regardless of this evidence’s legitimacy? Taking on both Ryback and WWE Champion CM Punk in a high-stakes Triple Threat Match for the WWE Title at Survivor Series, the Cenation leader can’t afford to get sidetracked less than one week before the fall classic. As for AJ, the fiery Diva had to stop herself from physically attacking Vickie last week. If this new evidence is juicy enough, we wonder if AJ will be able to show the same restraint this time around.

AJ Lee Don't Try This At Home Message For Universe

By Marisa Panagi



Divas champion Eve beat Layla and A.J. in a three-way match to retain the Divas Title. The crowd voted via twitter for A.J. to be included in the match. Eve’s strikes were awfully weak and phony, and the match as a whole was pretty poor. The crowd reacted big-time for Layla being thrown into the front row over the crowd barrier and the fake title change – it seemed A.J. had won the title before Vickie Guerrero came out and re-started the match due to A.J. putting her hands on an official. Eve got the quick win in the re-start to retain.



By Marisa Panagi

For the Divas Championship Eve defended AJ & Layla. AJ thought she won till Vickie change the decision.



Raw Five-Point Preview

By Anthony Benigno

Now hear this! Cena battles new evidence and CM Punk

The hits just keep on coming for John Cena, who finds himself further embroiled in the “AJ scandal” with each passing week. This time out, Raw Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero purports to have obtained further evidence supporting the Cenation leader’s supposed indiscretions with former Raw General Manager AJ Lee, tweeting that she can't wait for the WWE Universe to hear what she's got in store. Will this be the smoking gun that validates Vickie’s crusade against AJ? Or is it just another elaborate ploy to drag her predecessor’s name through the mud?

Cena will need to put Vickie’s incessant distractions aside on Raw, however. As first reported by WWE’s Breaking News mobile alert service, the Cenation leader will face WWE Champion CM Punk on Raw. How will Cena fare against The Second City Savior just six days before Survivor Series, where the Cenation leader faces both Punk and the imposing Ryback in a Triple Threat WWE Championship Match?


Raw Results

By Anthony Benigno


They say the truth will set you free, so who was left liberated when Vickie Guerrero finally convinced AJ Lee to give her side of the "AJ scandal"?

Well, that's a complicated question to answer. You see, while Vickie (and Dolph Ziggler, who remained in the ring for moral support) seemed to be scraping the bottom of the barrel in their supposed evidence against AJ and the Cenation leader. What transpired on Monday seemed to turn the tide, stunningly enough, back in their favor.

For one, Vickie finally got AJ to tell her side of the story, and from the get-go, the former Raw General Manager seemed uncommonly on-edge when addressing the scandal. "I admit it!" AJ barked after Vickie's needling reached its breaking point, although her follow-up managed to leave Vickie somewhat at a loss for words. "John Cena and I ... are just friends."

With Vickie reeling, AJ attempted to get to the bottom of the Managing Supervisor's slanderous efforts: lingering embarrassment over Mr. McMahon's appointment of AJ as Raw GM at Raw 1,000, compounded by AJ's previous humiliation of Vickie and, of course, the ever-present threat of yet another beatdown at AJ's hands.

But while a picture is supposedly worth a thousand words, what Vickie had in store for the former Raw GM seemed to unnerve her more than any security footage ever could: audio evidence.

"What happened last night was a mistake," boomed a supposed voicemail from AJ after Vickie cued it up over the TitanTron loudspeakers. "I want to stop ... but ... when I see you ... I lose control," purred another, leaving AJ genuinely baffled over the origins of the messages. The voice was, indeed, hers, but the messages, she swore, were doctored. She immediately called into question how Vickie got her hands on them.

Never one to pass up the opportunity to insult someone, Ziggler interjected himself here. "What's more embarrassing?" The Showoff sneered. "The fact that John won't talk to you anymore, or all those nights in his hotel room?"

Cue the trumpets and the M.O.P. sample, because this latest insult brought out Cena, who stomped down to AJ's rescue, but found his services somewhat unwarranted: Vickie stopped the Cenation leader from decking Ziggler ... and proceeded to do the honors herself, flooring Mr. Money in the Bank with a slap to the face before finally allowing Cena to eject the shamed Showoff from the ring.

Vickie Guerrero presented audio evidence of the "AJ scandal"​


Lita talks Attitude Era, ‘WWE ’13’

By Alex Giannini-Marisa Panagi


In’s second Attitude Era–centric interview in celebration of THQ’s revolutionary “WWE ’13,” Lita dishes about the differences between the Divas division now and then, and what WWE Universe members are telling her about WWE ’13'' and she mentions AJ :

WWE.COM: Which Diva today would best fit in The Attitude Era? Is there a Diva today you’d most like to compete against?

LITA: I think it’s interesting to see the Divas of today and to see who the fans are attaching to. Obviously, right now, it’s AJ Lee, who’s not the strongest; she’s not one of those classically hot chicks. But she sets herself apart, and you have emotion when she’s out there and you get a sense of who she is, and so I think that’s really cool to see the kid that wasn’t supposed to make it being the one that’s out there, and that’s who the fans want to know more about.

"WWE Inbox" - Episode 42

By Marisa Panagi



AJ answers if she would jump from space 



On Friday, WWE Superstar The Miz joined Divas AJ Lee and Alicia Fox for a visit to the Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. Along with the lovely Divas, The Awesome One went room-to-room to spread some holiday cheer and to say hello to excited members of the WWE Universe. 

"It's Christmas come early for me," Miz said of the event when he first caught glimpse of the dispensary that he, AJ and Alicia would use to distribute gifts from child to child: a wagon literally filled to the brim with Mattel WWE action figures. And indeed, the trifecta seized the Christmas spirit in a big way, with Miz channeling Kris Kringle himself by hauling the wagon to and fro, gifting the goodies among the hospital's young patients alongside Alicia and AJ.

Handing out the action figures as they went along, Miz, AJ and Alicia signed autographs and chatted with fans in an effort to lift spirits and get the kids in the mood for the upcoming holidays. First up was a visit to the hospital's eighth floor, where the trio popped in on unsuspecting patients, room to room, to give the kids a true Christmas surprise and some good old conversation. The Superstars made sure to get face time with every child they met, chatting it up (favorite subject: "Gym!" Favorite Superstar: "There's only one answer!" OK, that last one was Miz answering his own question.). The Superstars let them pick their own action figure from the pile and signed autographs for the young fans.

The visit yielded some truly memorable moments for the trio, with children literally coming to their room doors to meet the Superstars. One patient, a girl named Summer, showed Miz, AJ and Alicia several sculptures she made, including one of a cat named Gizmo that left the Superstars visibly impressed. April, who aspires to be a veterinarian, argued with Miz and AJ over whose dog was cutest. Thirteen-year-old Kate listed her favorite Superstars to The Awesome One as John Cena, Kane and Miz himself. Another boy, Bryant, already had three Miz action figures at home (AJ: "That's three too many") and chose Michael McGillicutty as his prize, but channeled his inner awesomeness and belted out Miz's catchphrase for the benefit of his idol.

He got a ringing endorsement as a result. "He does it better than I do," Miz said.

AJ bonded with the kids over a different subject: Mutual love of video games. Kate declared herself a Super Mario fan (AJ: "good call"), and the two talked at length about "WWE '13," which Kate just got. The former Raw General Manager also talked with the kids about cartoons, anime and comic books, earning plenty of smiles along the way.

Afterward, everyone headed over to the Atrium for a fall party where the trio signed autographs for the eager kids and chatted them up some more.              

Miz was undoubtedly the ringleader of the group throughout the day. While some fans seemed hesitant to bend to Miz's charms (one boy plucked a Heath Slater action figure from the pile, earning a hearty "Really?!?!"), The Awesome One did win over at least one new fan. Michael, a 16-year-old high school junior hoping to attend Notre Dame, had been a steadfast supporter of Triple H until defecting to the Mizfits upon The Awesome One's visit. And while "The Miz is the greatest of all time and he brings presents!" was sufficient enough to sway the young man from the promise of a Triple H action figure in favor of a Miz one, it didn't stop him from going toe-to-toe with the former WWE Champion on the subject of football ... and winning the argument.

To say Miz met his match may be an understatement. Michael (christened "Mini-Miz" by Alicia) humbled The Awesome One on gridiron stats and, as the cherry on top, lorded the Indianapolis Colts' (Michael's team) victory over Miz's beloved Cleveland Browns earlier this year.

"I'm glad you're enjoying watching me get schooled by a high school junior," Miz said to AJ and Alicia, who couldn't stop laughing. "You know what you're doing," he conceded to Michael. "This kid knows football."

"I've never seen anyone make Miz speechless before," AJ said. "This is the best day ever."

There you have it, WWE Universe: A genuine Christmas miracle.


The Miz, AJ Lee and Alicia Fox visit Riley Hospital for Children
By Alex Giannini, Anthony Benigno

AJ Lee at Gleaners Food Bank
By Marisa Panagi


Gleaners Food Bank have grown as hunger has grown—fighting the crisis in central Indiana every step of the way.

Their mission is simple and direct: To end hunger by engaging individuals and communities to provide food for people in need. Our heroine is a Gleaner! Today she helped pack 5,400 backsacks with Alicia Fox and David Otunga.

If you want to join and become a Gleaner visit Gleaners website :


Survivor Series 2012
By Marisa Panagi

#SurvivorSeries #PayBackIsAVickie


AJ tweeted to Vickie that she has some evidence of her own  & she will share it at #SurvivorSeries. But this time, Vickie is the one who’s been caught red handed. After being the at the center of a scandal for several weeks, AJ Lee finally confronts Raw Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero at Survivor Series. AJ Lee has a few things to say at Survivor Series. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to do this," AJ says. The former Raw General Manager says it is actually Vickie who has something to hide, not AJ. Vickie storms to the ring and demands to know, "Who do you think you are?!" "I'm just a slave to the truth," AJ admits before directing attention to the TitanTron. AJ shows several incriminating photos of Vickie, including eating burritos with Ricardo Rodriguez and having a slobberknocker of a time with Jim Ross. "You're pushing it, little girl," Vickie sternly proclaims. AJ's final piece of evidence is a photo of Vickie dancing in a hotel room with The Funkasaurus. "Look at that dancing monstrosity," instructs AJ. "And Brodus Clay." "Enough!" Vickie demands. AJ taunts Vickie with the knowledge that the Managing Supervisor of Raw can't put a hand on her. Suddenly, Tamina Snuka attacks AJ from behind. Tamina drags AJ to the center of the ring as Vickie looks on. Reminiscent of her own father, Tamina nails AJ with a Superfly Splash from the top rope. After being attacked, AJ lies wounded in the center of the ring. Coming out of nowhere, Tamina makes a major statement at Survivor Series. Vickie cackles with delight as AJ remains injured. And the Managing Supervisor didn't need to lift a finger. 

Raw Five-Point Preview: Nov. 19, 2012
By Marisa Panagi

Will AJ Lee retaliate for being attacked by Tamina Snuka?


At Survivor Series, AJ Lee revealed some photographic “evidence” of her own to get back at Raw Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero’s claims of a scandal between her and John Cena. But as Vickie and AJ argued, Tamina Snuka charged the ring and decimated AJ. After the assault, in a Exclusive, Vickie claimed the attack was simply a matter of someone coming to the aid of a WWE authority figure. (WATCH)

Should we believe Vickie’s claims? What might AJ do to seek retribution for the assault?

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