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Raw General Manager AJ Lee announced her resignation. Mr. McMahon named Vickie Guerrero as "Managing Supervisor" in her place

In just as surprising a fashion as it began, the AJ Lee Era of Monday Night Raw came crashing to an abrupt halt when, with Mr. McMahon at her side, AJ announced her resignation as General Manager.

Following a mysterious meeting with the WWE Board of Directors at WWE Headquarters, AJ took center stage in her home state of New Jersey to announce that she had decided it was best to resign her post following accusations she'd been "fraternizing" with an unnamed Superstar on the roster (AJ denied the accusations). In her final moments as GM, AJ took the opportunity to give the WWE Universe a tear-jerking thank you for supporting her through her meteoric rise through the ranks and, especially, her tenure as General Manager. It was a humble, heartfelt moment and both The Chairman and the WWE Universe seemed to appreciate AJ's candor.

And then, of course, Paul Heyman showed up.

With much fanfare, the mad scientist of ECW made an elaborate, eloquent plea to The Boss to name him the new General Manager of the red brand, as Mr. McMahon is required to immediately name a replacement. The Chairman had a similarly eloquent response for Heyman.


Instead, he introduced the "Managing Supervisor" of Raw, none other than Vickie Guerrero. No sooner had The Queen Diva taken the stage than Heyman attempted to curry favor with the new boss lady, asking Vickie to revoke CM Punk's WWE Title Match against Ryback at Hell in a Cell. Heyman was, again, denied his request, as Vickie kicked her second administration (clearly, her show-running glory days have yet to pass her by) off with a bang by announcing two main events for her first Raw back in charge: a Champion vs. Champion Match that would also be the largest Lumberjack Match in WWE history. That was enough to send Heyman fuming back to the locker room, but Vickie wasn't done yet.

"Tsk tsk," Vickie began as she set her sights on AJ, elaborating that the allegations against her were not just "fraternization," but that AJ had an affair with a Superstar. Vickie brusquely dismissed the former GM, commanding her to pack up her things and leave the arena. With nothing left to lose, however, AJ wasn't about to leave without getting one last shot in at Vickie. And so she did, pouncing on the Managing Supervisor and unleashing one final attack on Vickie before skipping off to the locker room.

To answer the headline to this story, no. The worst General Manager in history is Mike Adamle by a long shot. In the aftermath of AJ Lee’s shocking resignation on Monday Night Raw, however, it’s worth wondering where the now-former authority figure would rank among the most ineffective and eccentric leaders in the history of Monday night’s hottest show, including the likes of Eric Bischoff, “Mr. Excitement” John Laurinaitis and that notorious aforementioned mangler of monikers.

The reign of a Raw General Manager averages to about 205 days, and although that time period isn’t lengthy by any means, AJ Lee bowed out at 92 days — less than half the average. Granted, AJ’s all-too-brief tenure as GM has been fraught with peril since taking on these new responsibilities in July, but how many of those problems were the result of AJ’s own unhinged decision-making process? From attacking Vickie Guerrero to forcing Kane and her fiancé Daniel Bryan to undergo anger management therapy to slapping Paul Heyman across the face, AJ has made business very personal on Raw, and the WWE Board of Directors has been keeping a very close eye on her for good reason.

It was AJ’s notorious inability to separate her business and personal lives that would ultimately spell the end of her reign as Raw GM. On Monday night, the feisty Diva — whom the WWE Board placed on probation in early October — announced that her self-ousting is due to allegations of fraternizing with a Superstar on the roster.

Is AJ Lee the worst GM of all time?



That Superstar was later revealed to be John Cena, who recently had a “business dinner” with the Raw GM. Both AJ and the Cenation leader denied that anything salacious transpired during or after that meal, but Mr. McMahon affirmed that there was “incriminating evidence” that left the WWE Board with no choice but to ask AJ for her resignation. This conspicuous turn of events put Guerrero in place to serve as Raw’s Managing Supervisor, a role that will no doubt work in her favor when a new General Manager is ultimately appointed.

Coincidences are rare in WWE, especially when The Queen Diva is involved, but what if there was more to that dinner than AJ and Cena are letting on? If AJ’s fraternization with Cena went beyond a mere business dinner — while she was on probation, no less — then the title of “Worst GM Ever” just might have a new No. 1 contender.

Although it remains unclear exactly what transpired during that evening repast with the 12-time World Champion, the unorthodox Diva noted on Raw that she’s aware that she’s been on thin ice for quite some time. With AJ’s admission of her shortcomings, it’s difficult to blame her too harshly for not living up to the loftiest of expectations. She might not have made a major impact as Raw GM, but at least she never subjected the WWE Universe to so-called “People Power,” interrupted Raw broadcasts with incessant emails or waxed poetic about the likes of “MC Punk” or “Randy Norton.” Sorry, Mr. Adamle.

So what’s next for AJ? The unpredictable Diva explained on Raw that she’s gone “from being homeless to being the boss,” due in no small part to her lifelong tenacity. Now that AJ is no longer running Raw, her schedule has certainly opened up, and judging by her hair-pulling brawl with Raw’s new Managing Supervisor, her buttoned-up lifestyle has hardly hindered her fighting spirit. Perhaps the most exciting chapter of the AJ Lee saga is about to begin.


Raw General Manager AJ Lee called to emergency WWE Board meeting


This afternoon, mere hours before Raw kicks off in her home state of New Jersey, Raw General Manager AJ Lee posted the following on her official Twitter account:

@WWEAJLee: Been called to an emergency meeting with the WWE Board of Directors at #WWE Global HQ. #Confused #RAW

Earlier this month, the WWE Board of Directors put the eccentric authority figure on probation for slapping Paul Heyman. It is unknown at this time, however, whether AJ’s meeting with board members today in Stamford, Conn., is in any way related to her job performance.

AJ Lee’s confusion on the nature of this meeting is no doubt shared by the entire WWE Universe. Perhaps some answers will come to light tonight on Raw, live at 8/7 CT on USA Network.



John Cena has advice for AJ Lee after she is accused of fraternizing by the WWE Board of Directors.


WWE continues to spread the be a STAR message in Connecticut's capital

Simultaneously, approximately 50 students joined Jack Swagger and AJ Lee at Hartford’s YMCA gymnasium for a second be a STAR rally. After talking to the crowd about the importance of standing up to bullies, the Superstar and Diva broke the group into smaller ones for more personal conversations about different types of bullying, including cyber, physical and emotional, and how it can be stopped. Before Swagger and AJ left the YMCA, they hosted an autograph session with the children.

For a year and a half, WWE Superstars and Divas have visited more than 40 schools to spread the be a STAR message, affecting 20,000-plus children! This is in addition to the 20,000 people who have taken the be a STAR pledge online at

Be a STAR is made up of more than 50 alliance partners including Scholastic Inc., YMCA of America, Girl Scouts of America, GLAAD, RAINN and STOMP Out Bullying. For more information, visit, the be a STAR Facebook page and on Twitter @beastaralliance. Also, log on to to take the official be a STAR pledge and to download a free be a STAR teacher’s aide and be a STAR toolkit to start your own local chapter.


WWE Diva AJ Lee Ringside Fest 2012 Interview

The AJ Scandal: Did AJ have an affair? 


Could a simple "business dinner" between two "friends" have really hurled one Diva into instant dishonor and rocked Monday night's flagship show to its very foundations?

On the Oct. 22 edition of Raw, General Manager AJ Lee was suddenly forced to step down from her leadership position by the WWE Board of Directors for "fraternizing with a WWE Superstar." When AJ revealed that the Superstar in question was none other than John Cena, the 12-time World Champion himself - as well as the WWE Universe - seemed to be absolutely floored by the news. Do you think there was justification for AJ's removal as Raw GM? Vote:

While Cena instantly finds himself caught in an awkward spotlight amid AJ's scandal, the future of the now-disgraced Diva seems as dark as it is uncertain. (WATCH AS CENA TRIED TO CONSOLE AJ)

Since first stepping into a WWE ring, AJ's life has been turned completely upside down. Through it all, the spitfire competitor's personal relationships have always walked hand in hand with her emergence as a prominent player in the WWE.

Even as Raw General Manager, AJ's motivation was constantly brought into question by the likes of Punk and his associate Paul Heyman, who claimed that The Second City Saint rejecting her marriage proposal caused her to make decisions against the WWE Champion. 

Regardless of whether AJ's involvement with Cena is as innocent as they both claim, there is no denying that the many exploits of the spirited Diva has ruffled a lot of features. As a result, one has to wonder if there is anyone she can truly count on in the locker room now that she has been pushed off her lofty perch. Moreover, with her adversary Vickie Guerrero now Managing Supervisor of Raw, will AJ even be part of that locker room any longer?

The controversy surrounding AJ Lee's resignation from Raw continues to run wild. And there is no telling how and when she will land on her feet. 




In light of the explosive AJ Scandal, shines a spotlight on the meteoric rise and precipitous fall of the former Raw GM. From her obsession with CM Punk to her eyebrow raising relationship with John Cena, check out the following playlist for more of AJ's tragic trajectory.

CM Punk & Aj vs Kane & Daniel Bryan ( Aj Kisses Kane )

AJ Slaps Kaitlyn (Upset over Daniel Bryan)

Daniel Bryan & AJ's Wedding (AJ RGM)

AJ kisses CM Punk

AJ Lee resigns as Raw General Manager

AJ stops Big Show from hitting the WMD on Daniel Bryan

A special look at the events that took place between AJ, CM Punk, & Daniel Bryan

AJ discusses her Valentine's Day date with Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan AJ vs Eve The Miz (AJ accepts Bryans marriage proposal)

SmackDown: AJ & Kaitlyn vs. Alicia Fox & Tamina

Vickie Guerrero has Choice words for Raw GM AJ Lee Raw

John Cena tries to console AJ Lee

WWE Bands we’d like to see - "No!" Doubt



Daniel Bryan & Kane have joined forces to form one of the most confrontational and argumentative tag teams in WWE history, Team Hell No. That hasn’t stopped the unlikely duo, however, from winning the WWE Tag Team Titles and making major waves in WWE.

As successful as they’ve been in their brief time together, the addition of a female voice to this peculiar group could make Team Hell No’s beautiful disharmony sound even better. That’s why the wild, assertive former General Manager of Raw — and ex of Daniel Bryan — AJ Lee, could make this a power trio and again prove that she is so much more than, as Gwen Stefani said, “just a girl.”

If you or any Superstar on the WWE roster is thinking about messing with this potential trio or ever weighing in on Kane and Bryan’s ongoing debate, “No!” Doubt’s advice would likely be, “don’t speak.”


Halloween is in a week! See AJ in last year WWE Divas Halloween Battle Royal! What she will be dressed as this year? Tweet us you thoughts! @AJLeenett


By Marisa Panagi

Vickie Guerrero claims to have evidence in the 'AJ scandal'!



On Thursday, Raw Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero tweeted to John Cena and AJ Lee that she has evidence in the ongoing scandal surrounding AJ.

Will @JohnCena and @WWEAJLee respond? What will Vickie reveal on Monday’s Raw? Stay with for more and tune in Monday at 8/7 CT on USA Network.


Vickie Guerrero Tout to AJ


Vickie Guerrero :I tried to tell you that you were too immature for this job @WWEAJLee #WWE


The AJ Scandal: Vickie Guerrero speaks


It’s good to be the queen — err, Managing Supervisor.

Whatever the title, it’s safe to say this has been the best week Vickie Guerrero’s had in a good, long while considering she was handpicked by Mr. McMahon to take up the reigns for the ousted Raw General Manager AJ Lee this past Monday night. Forced into resignation in the face of allegations she “fraternized” with John Cena, the word “goodbye” had barely gotten out of AJ’s mouth before Vickie was named Managing Supervisor of the red brand. True to form, The Queen Diva wasted no time in rubbing the allegations in AJ’s face, which led to a minor spat between the two.

If the tussle rained on Vickie’s parade, though, she certainly did a good job hiding it. Vickie was positively giddy later in the night as she packed up AJ’s boots, and especially when she sat down with for a phone interview to address her return to power (remember, she was a GM for a while), the “AJ scandal” and why she owes Cena and AJ one. Vickie, first off, thank you for taking the time to speak with We know that as the new Managing Supervisor of Raw, you’re having a very busy week.

VICKIE: And soon to be General Manager. May I make myself clear? I’m working to be the Raw General Manager, so let’s just get that out in the open. Fair enough. But speaking of this week, we couldn’t help but notice your heated Twitter exchange with John Cena concerning the “AJ scandal.”

VICKIE: Yes, and did you notice I thanked her for my job? Because without AJ and John, I wouldn’t have this position today. I’m so grateful for them. What great people. Because of their fraternization, this opportunity opened for me. I’m just going to be forever grateful to both of them. Speaking of that fraternization, you revealed on Twitter that you had evidence and that you would reveal it on Raw. Could you give us some kind of indication as to what type of evidence this is?

VICKIE: This evidence is going to be incontrovertible. I mean, let’s face it. Visual evidence, which everyone will see on Monday, is going to prove my point and show the true colors of AJ.

I’m so glad that the Board of Directors has gotten to see me for the person that I am. I do have experience and I do have the expertise that AJ doesn’t because she’s very young and immature. I’m glad they put a real woman in this position.

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